The Therapeutic & Recreational Riding Center, Inc.
"A special ride for those with special needs"
Who Can Volunteer?
Anyone age 14 or older can volunteer at TRRC. We ask that our volunteers dedicate at least 2-3 hours per week to their activities at the Center. Our services rely on punctual and consistent volunteers who are committed to working with the horses and those riders they might assist in lessons.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday shifts are available. We will work with you on timing that is convenient for you.
No experience is needed; we offer training and information to help you get oriented to TRRC.
We work with groups on special projects and also accept donations of in-kind items and services.
For further information, please contact
Volunteer Opportunities:
There are three different categories of volunteer opportunities at TRRC:
General volunteer
Fund raising
Special events
Office work
Farm maintenance (i.e. – gardening, working on trails)
Recreational riding volunteer
Grooming and tacking horses
Animal care and feeding
Therapy rider volunteer
Grooming and tacking horses
Leading horses during lessons (additional training provided)
next to horses during lessons (additional training provided)
Working with the therapist
Assisting students with horses before and after lessons
What are my next steps?
It’s easy! Fill out the Volunteer Application, and then contact us at to set up an appointment.
If you have any questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at:
Current Volunteers
Thank you for all that you do for TRRC! Our volunteers must fill out an Annual Update Form.