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Past Events

Therapeutic and Recreational Riding Center (TRRC) Arts Show and Auction

Date : Saturday, September 19, 2020

Time : 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Place : Bank Barn




Features : There will be an Arts Fundraiser hosted by the TRRC, featuring Maryland's Poet Laureate Grace Cavalieri.  Grace Cavalieri is an award – winning author of sixteen books and chaplets of poetry.  She founded and continues to produce “The Poet and the Poem” for public radio, celebrating 43 years on air, and is now recorded at the Library of Congress.  She serves on the National Board of the “American Initiative for Italian Culture.”


            The fundraiser theme is “Glenwood Grace and Gallantry” and will be hosted on sprawling acres of TRRC pastures and lands, surrounded by the beauty and grandeur of one of the earth's greatest creatures, the horse.  The Arts Event celebrates the fanciful magic of the spirit of the horse, and will include an introduction to creativity and imagination with Grace Cavalieri (live and virtual through Zoom), a futuristic classical music session with percussionist Orlando Cotto, a wine tasting by Elk Run Winery, a gourmet dessert tasting by Juliana Serrano, and an Auction of a variety of artistic works including, but not limited to, paintings, jewelry, wood turning, glass blowing, sewing, crochet and needlework.  Artists and organizations represented include Johnny O'Neill, Diana Marta, Virginia Chandler, Samantha Furlong, Orlando Cotto, Anne Richardson, Anne Sieling, Caprice Miller, Jude Bates Anderson, George French, Teresa Girod, Horse Spirits Arts Gallery, Elk Run Winery, and Juliana Serrano. Special thanks to the Howard County Arts Council for their advice and referrals.


            Covid 19 requirements will be in place, including face masks, hand washing, 6 feet separation, etc.  For planning purposes, timing of the events are :


.  Grace Cavalieri                    1:00 - 1:40 p.m.          Live and Virtual Hosting

.  Orlando Cotto                     2:00 - 2:45 p.m.          Live

.  Elk Run Wine Tasting           2:00 - 2:45 p.m.          Live

.  Gourmet Dessert Tasting      2:00 - 2:45 p.m.          Live

.  Art Auction                         3:00 – 5:00 p.m.          Live and Virtual


Information for Artists/ Donors : Please R.S.V.P. by Thursday, September 17th, to Teresa Girod at  Auction items can be sumitted through Thursday, September 17th to Teresa Girod, c/o Doctor Helen Tuel, 3750 Shady Lane, Glenwood, Maryland, 21738.  


RSVP now for an
“Ear Raising” and Interactive Event at TRRC
October 13, 2020
Tuesday 6:00 – 8:00 PM
TRRC Bank Barn
Access the recording (Passcode: Hv8.Z8KN)
(audio transcript also available)


At our interactive event, learn about health and wellness from the following medical, school safety, farm stress intervention, and equine-assisted therapy professionals:

Samuel Nokuri, MD, MBA, FACP, Lieutenant Colonel Air Force Flight Surgeon, 

Medical Director Premier Health Express


Jeff Allison, Director of government and external relations for the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators


Michele Gay, Executive Director of Safe and Sound Schools


Chuck Schuster, Senior Agent Emeritus, Retired Extension Educator, 

College of Agriculture and Natural Resource



Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 957 4100 5985

TRRC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. TRRC is an accredited member of PATH (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship), Intl.


Questions?  Please e-mail

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